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2 best When You'll Need to Know About axis and planes of the human body ppt

Axis and planes of the human body ppt

  1. Axis and plane of movements.ppt

  2. Planes & axes 



    Three primary reference planes are used in Body:

    • A sagittal plane also referred to as the longitudinal plane, is vertical to the floor and divides the body into right and left. The midsagittal or median plane is at the midline i.e., it would pass through the midline structures (e.g., navel or backbone ) and the other sagittal planes (also known as parasagittal planes) are parallel to it. Median may also refer to the midsagittal plane of different structures, including a digit.

    • A coronal or frontal plane is vertical to the floor and divides the Body into dorsal (back or posterior ) and ventral (anterior or front) portions. It's parallel to the ground, which (in humans) separates the superior from the inferior, or put another way, the head in the feet.


      Movement in the joint takes place in a plane about an axis. There are three axes of rotation.

      • Sagittal axis - passes from posterior to anterior and is formed from the junction of the sagittal and transverse planes.

      • The frontal axis - passes straight from left to right and is formed from the junction of the frontal and transverse planes.

      • Vertical axis - moves straight from inferior to superior and is formed from the junction of the sagittal and frontal planes.

        Describing Movement

        • Extension happens when the angle between two adjacent segments in the body increases as the ventral surfaces of the sections go away from each other and occurs at a sagittal plane about a frontal axis. An exception is an expansion of the thumb, which occurs in a frontal plane about a sagittal axis.

        • Flexion happens when the angle between two adjacent segments in the body decreases as the ventral surfaces of the sections approximate each other and occurs in a sagittal plane about a frontal axis.

        • Adduction may also be moving the body area throughout the center line and to the other side of the body, shown from the hip abduction image below. Amongst the joints capable of abduction and adduction are the hip and shoulder. Other abductions and adduction movements incorporate the fingers. If you splay your fingers and move them apart, this is abduction since they're moving away from the middle position. When you bring back the palms together, this is adduction, as You're adding them back to the central line

        • Rotation moves are in the transverse plane and contain some twisting motion. Joints that allow rotation include the hip and shoulder. We can even rotate our necks and backs because of a set of smaller bones, including the atlantoaxial joint that is a pivot joint at the neck between the first two vertebrae (C1 and C2). Rotation of the shoulder and hip can be separated into external or internal rotation (also occasionally called medial and lateral rotation, respectively).
2 best When You'll Need to Know About axis and planes of the human body ppt 2 best When You'll Need to Know About axis and planes of the human body ppt Reviewed by دليل الأدوية on May 18, 2020 Rating: 5

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